( enigma, liberdade, amor, rebeldia. Espaço para seres pensantes e vivos de alma e coração )
a new way of vision ... by: dfm


terça-feira, 14 de março de 2017

PRIDE ( experiência em tentar escrever uma prosa em inglês )

even they tell you
that you are a cheat
even they tell you
that you can't win,
that you are a simple garbaje laying on the floor
ok ..whose that fuckin guys
that talk what you can on cannot do on life ?

you don't deserve that words
but the most important thing 
you don't have to explain nobody what you're fuckin doing right now !
they dont know a sheat of you
keep your pride
save your own soul
you just have to please to youselve 
and explain your heart what you gonna do know
maybe there's no one else like you,
even you are unique
with your original thoughts
with your emotional humanity
no a fuckin robot or a copy of this fragmented world
not other social disease number,
you're not a number
you have your own name,
show it to the world
fight for you name with pride,
no pride is bigger than you keep your own soul
and make your name uncurrupted in this world,
in that way
you are remind 
like a free soul 
and you will find
your pure world

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